About Zina fan


Ziyan FAN, young Chinese Lute (Pipa & Ruan) Musician, teacher of Sydney Meya Conservatory of Chinese Music; member of Meya Girls Band, the China Nationalities Orchestral Society and the Guangdong Province Nationalities Orchestral Society.

Started learning Pipa since the age of 7, mentored by famous Pipa Performer, Educationist, Professor Wenjun Qu (Xi’an Conservatory of Music), Professor Henan Liu (South China Normal University), Professor Huanzhang Liu (Shenyang Conservatory of Music), Maestro of Pipa Mr. Jinlong Fang.

Zina has received certification from the Chinese Musicians' Association. In 2019, she performed as a Pipa soloist with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra for the Lunar New Year celebrations. She won awards from national Chinese music campaigns, and performed as Pipa, Liuqin and Ruan soloist and Pipa chief in many occasions in National and International stages (China, Japan, Argentina, Australia etc.).



2019年与悉尼交响乐团合作,在Lunar New Year Celebration中担任琵琶独奏员。‪2008-2015年曾先后受聘于广东省民族乐团、广州市民族乐团、星海现代民族管弦乐团 担任琵琶、中阮、柳琴演奏员。‬

‪2015年,日本音乐家创作的马自达汽车发布会(广州)录制发布会主题音乐琵琶乐段,并在其发布会期间为其现场演出。2013年曾获邀出访阿根廷,进行琵琶独奏演出交流。‬2011年獲第六届香港國際青少年藝術節廣東賽區民樂(琵琶)少年專業組銀獎2011年獲華南青少年藝術節琵琶項目 少年專業組 第一名。2014 广东省首届中国民族器乐大赛 华南师范大学阮族室内乐组合 《夏》专业组金奖。
