About nicole huang


HUANG Yichu is a skilled pipa artist. From a young age, she embarked on her musical journey, mastering the art of the pipa under the guidance of distinguished mentors with CHEN Yingjing and Professor CHEN Yingduan. In 2015, she secured admission to the affiliated middle school of Tianjin Conservatory of Music, where she continued her musical education under the mentorship of Professor GE Ying and Professor ZHANG Yadi.

In 2018, Yichu was admitted to the Central Conservatory of Music to continue her pipa major studying under the esteemed Professor ZHANG Qiang, a doctoral supervisor. She is currently preparing to study for a Master's degree at the Sydney School of Music at the University of Sydney, under the guidance of Dr. LIU Lu .

Yichu is a proud member of the Hebei Musicians Association. Her musical prowess has earned her recognition and accolades, including the prestigious Dunhuang Cup and the Gold Award in the Hebei Province Pipa Competition. She also achieved acclaim with the Bronze Award in the Liaoyuan Cup and the Zhaojun Cup Pipa Competitions and she is looking forward to more exciting musical journeys in the future.